
Sponsored Players

Bear Cricket are committed to supporting aspiring and established cricketers currently playing at a representative standard. We recognise County Age Group, district, academy / scholarship and contracted county professionals as representative standard. We offer sponsorship packages ranging from percentage discounts to full kit packages. We pride ourselves on taking a personal interest in how each of the sponsored cricketers in our Bear Cricket family are performing and developing thus ensuring that we are providing the correct level of support to help progress to the next level.

How To Apply

Send a cricketing CV including the following to sponsorship@bearcricket.co.uk.

  1. Details of representative county / district teams played for in the last 3 years.
  2. Full statistics i.e. batting / bowling for each of the last 2 seasons for your representative team.
  3. Cover letter (including full name, address and DOB) explaining why we should reward you with a sponsorship and how you will be a good ambassador of Bear Cricket.

If you do not hear back from us within 10-15 working days then unfortunately your application has not been successful. Applications not including all of the above unfortunately won’t be considered.

Brand Ambassadors

We appreciate that how it may be every cricketers goal to play regular representative cricket unfortunately for the majority this may not happen. However with our brand ambassador scheme you can still become a valued member of the Bear Cricket family receiving similar benefits to that of a sponsored cricketer. We offer tiered packages ranging from percentage discounts to full kit packages based on what you bring to the brand and levels of sales.

How To Apply

Send a cover letter including the following to sponsorship@bearcricket.co.uk.

  1. Full name, address, DOB, club played for and league.
  2. Explanation of what you would bring to the brand if you were to become a brand ambassador.
  3. How you would help the brand grow.

If you do not hear back from us within 10-15 working days then unfortunately your application has not been successful. Applications not including all of the above unfortunately won’t be considered.